
Announcement: Spice Models for TC4421/TC4422 posted on my website...

Started by Jim Thompson in sci.electronics.design7 years ago 7 replies

Announcement: Spice Models for TC4421/TC4422 posted on my website... See TC4421-TC4422.zip on the Device Models & Subcircuits Page of...

Announcement: Spice Models for TC4421/TC4422 posted on my website... See TC4421-TC4422.zip on the Device Models & Subcircuits Page of my website. This behavioral modeling post is for announcement purposes only. To submit questions or comments, or to request assistance, please use the envelope icon (at top of my home page). To avoid spam filtering, follow the instructions carefully. ...

strange LT Spice s/h behavior

Started by John Larkin in sci.electronics.design3 years ago 13 replies

I figured that I could bootstrap an LT Spice sample/hold to make a stairstep waveform. Without the RC, the output jumps to +10 volts at the...

I figured that I could bootstrap an LT Spice sample/hold to make a stairstep waveform. Without the RC, the output jumps to +10 volts at the first clock edge. And the RC has to be right to get a proper stairstep. Version 4 SHEET 1 880 680 WIRE 144 -128 32 -128 WIRE 240 -128 144 -128 WIRE 448 -128 320 -128 WIRE 144 -80 144 -128 WIRE 448 0 448 -128 WIRE 144 16 144 -16 WIRE 32 96 3...

IGBT in Linear Mode

Started by Tim Wescott in sci.electronics.design7 years ago 37 replies

Any good articles in using IGBTs in linear mode? With all due respect for the uselessness of SPICE when you can't do the work on paper --...

Any good articles in using IGBTs in linear mode? With all due respect for the uselessness of SPICE when you can't do the work on paper -- does anyone know how good a SPICE model designed for an IGBT in switched service might work in linear mode? Who tends to have better models for linear service? Whether anyone has models specifically for IGBTs in linear mode? TIA -- IGBTs seem to ...

Measure input/output impedance with Spice

Started by Anonymous in sci.electronics.design12 years ago 6 replies

Could some electronics/Spice guru shed some light on this. Suppose I want to measure the input impedance of a test circuit. The impedance...

Could some electronics/Spice guru shed some light on this. Suppose I want to measure the input impedance of a test circuit. The impedance can be AC or DC. Let us consider DC. I set up the following circuit, with a DC voltage source, connected with a voltage source with zero DC and AC output, followed by the circuit under test. I sweep the DC voltage of the first DC voltage source....

Mike's new Spice

Started by John Larkin in sci.electronics.design2 years ago 6 replies

https://www.marcusaureliussoftware.com/ A bit vague, at present.

https://www.marcusaureliussoftware.com/ A bit vague, at present.


Started by Anonymous in sci.electronics.design5 years ago 5 replies

Do you have a Spice model for SAV551 or something similar? -- John Larkin Highland Technology, Inc lunatic fringe...

Do you have a Spice model for SAV551 or something similar? -- John Larkin Highland Technology, Inc lunatic fringe electronics

Mike Engelhards next simulator after LTSpice

Started by Gerhard Hoffmann in sci.electronics.design2 years ago 40 replies

< https://www.eenewseurope.com/en/re-writing-spice-for-a-digital-world/ > cheers, Gerhard

< https://www.eenewseurope.com/en/re-writing-spice-for-a-digital-world/ > cheers, Gerhard

LT spice _ LM7812

Started by nescafe in sci.electronics.design11 years ago 12 replies

What is the substitute for LM7812 in LTspice ? I can find any...

What is the substitute for LM7812 in LTspice ? I can find any...

LT spice error

Started by Anonymous in sci.electronics.design5 years ago 9 replies

On simulation, I am getting this error : trouble converting to curly brace notation: mismatched single quotes...

On simulation, I am getting this error : trouble converting to curly brace notation: mismatched single quotes in "K{(Uo*Cox/2)175.4-35.6uA/V^2" My connections are correct. What might be wrong?

LT Spice Trick

Started by John Larkin in sci.electronics.design2 years ago 3 replies

Not everyone may know this one. Given a series string of unconnected parts, you can select the wire tool, the pencil icon, and draw one long...

Not everyone may know this one. Given a series string of unconnected parts, you can select the wire tool, the pencil icon, and draw one long line through all the parts to do the connections. You can even turn corners.

another RF part rant

Started by John Larkin in sci.electronics.design2 years ago 15 replies

https://www.qorvo.com/products/p/QPD1016 The part could be very useful in wideband/pulse applications [1] but there are no DC curves, no...

https://www.qorvo.com/products/p/QPD1016 The part could be very useful in wideband/pulse applications [1] but there are no DC curves, no capacitances, no Spice models, just the silly load pull cartoons. [1] except for the price of course.


Started by john larkin in sci.electronics.design1 year ago 2 replies

Has anyone used the LT Spice capometer part?

Has anyone used the LT Spice capometer part?

OT 91%

Started by John Larkin in sci.electronics.design1 year ago 7 replies

I bought a candy bar that was 91% cocoa. Actually, they had one that was 100% but I chickened out on that. The 91 is too bitter for us to...

I bought a candy bar that was 91% cocoa. Actually, they had one that was 100% but I chickened out on that. The 91 is too bitter for us to eat. But gently melted with a little heavy cream, it becomes an excellent ice cream sauce. All while my Spice sim is still running at 15 PPM of real time.

CircuitMaker 2000: imported net lists not working.

Started by Anonymous in sci.electronics.design5 years ago 11 replies

With a working schematic loaded that simulates normally I use File > Export > Spice netlist . But when imported it does not simulate. I get just...

With a working schematic loaded that simulates normally I use File > Export > Spice netlist . But when imported it does not simulate. I get just an empty black window. It's been many years, but I’m sure I have done this successfully before.

500 volt power supply

Started by John Larkin in sci.electronics.design1 year ago 109 replies

This is pleasingly weird. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/sif3efs69dxe1mg/AACY0RJGXl4k8CVvauUbJtYFa?dl=0 Sort of a baseline-boosted...

This is pleasingly weird. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/sif3efs69dxe1mg/AACY0RJGXl4k8CVvauUbJtYFa?dl=0 Sort of a baseline-boosted multi-auto-transformer voltage-doubler flyback. What's strange is that adding the two snubbers increases the LT spice sim speed radically, about 10:1.

LT Spice powering opamps

Started by John Larkin in sci.electronics.design9 years ago 5 replies

I usually have a couple of "voltage" things off to the side, making +5 and -5 or whatever, and have each opamp with little doglegs on...

I usually have a couple of "voltage" things off to the side, making +5 and -5 or whatever, and have each opamp with little doglegs on its power pins, same net names. Somewhere I thought I saw a circuit where the opamps were powered by little boxes with "+5" or something inside, with no other supply needed. Does that work? If so, how do you invoke it? -- John Larkin ...

Commercially available hetero bijunction transistor

Started by amal banerjee in sci.electronics.design3 years ago 2 replies

Could some electronics guri here help please ? Where could I find datasheets, specifications and SPICE models if any, of commercially available...

Could some electronics guri here help please ? Where could I find datasheets, specifications and SPICE models if any, of commercially available hetero bijunction transistors. Thanks in advance.

Spice is great!

Started by John Larkin in sci.electronics.design2 years ago 32 replies

While my sim is running, I can do all sorts of things. Grocery shop, prowl the web, take a nap. https://xkcd.com/303/ Same idea. My...

While my sim is running, I can do all sorts of things. Grocery shop, prowl the web, take a nap. https://xkcd.com/303/ Same idea. My alternator simulator simulation (!) takes about 25 minutes to rev up, running 10 or so PPM of real time. It's nicely settled in about an hour.

BD131 Spice Model Wanted

Started by Julian Barnes in sci.electronics.design9 years ago 15 replies

Hi all, It still amazes me after all the years LTspice has been around the standard parts library in it remains so tiny. I don't think this...

Hi all, It still amazes me after all the years LTspice has been around the standard parts library in it remains so tiny. I don't think this long- standing defect in otherwise very good program will ever be fixed. So like anyway, has anyone got a model for a BD131 NPN transistor they could post here? TIA folks. CD

inverting switcher

Started by John Larkin in sci.electronics.design5 years ago 14 replies

I have +12 from a wart, and I need -1.2 and -5 to power some analog stuff and ECL. I can do...

I have +12 from a wart, and I need -1.2 and -5 to power some analog stuff and ECL. I can do this https://www.dropbox.com/s/3b0iff93k1k2ct6/TPS_Inv_1.JPG?raw=1 Problem is, I don't want to run Tina and there is no LT Spice model. It may go into burp mode at my modest load currents, so I could get a lot of output ripple. It might want some lead compensation too. I guess I should br...