
LT Spice question

Started by John Larkin in sci.electronics.design2 years ago 3 replies

I got this model for a mosfet,...

I got this model for a mosfet, FDB390N15A https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/ko6yvs1jo1j4svunwrmtc/FDB390N15A.lib?rlkey=o012wl2xqh3vjyoz7i7vbx 59t&dl=0 And want to run it in LT Spice. I named my mosfet FDB390N15A and I did .lib FDB390N15A.lib and .inc and .mod too but it complains that it "can't find the definition of model FDB390N15A". I never really understood how to conn

AN: MCP6001 Spice Model Updated

Started by Jim Thompson in sci.electronics.design8 years ago

I have updated my MCP6001 Spice model to include better swing control and added an output stage that reflects load currents into positive and...

I have updated my MCP6001 Spice model to include better swing control and added an output stage that reflects load currents into positive and negative rails. It can be found at MCP6001_JT.zip on the Device Models & Subcircuits page of my website. Please try it out and report any problems via the E-mail Icon on the Home page of my website. Thanks! ...

noise in LT Spice

Started by John Larkin in sci.electronics.design14 years ago 52 replies

I'm wanting to simulate noise in a TIA. It will use a discrete jfet at the input, then opamps. Check me out on this, please: I assume...

I'm wanting to simulate noise in a TIA. It will use a discrete jfet at the input, then opamps. Check me out on this, please: I assume the jfet models have built-in gate equivalent noise voltages and currents, somewhere in the model string. Also assume the the LTC opamp models include noise params. Ditto Johnson noise in all resistors. The LT Spice help pdf file says that.....

PING: Aylward or other Spice Expert

Started by Jim Thompson in sci.electronics.design8 years ago 4 replies

PING: Aylward or other Spice Expert... Bringing up a 0.18u/0.35u Vanguard process, building up the PSpice model libraries. Discovered...

PING: Aylward or other Spice Expert... Bringing up a 0.18u/0.35u Vanguard process, building up the PSpice model libraries. Discovered strangeness: ALL devices have HDIF=0.2u, except "native" NMOS, which has HDIF=0.02u!! I thought this might simply be a typo, but that HDIF value is repeated in each of the corner parameter statements. 0.02u seems awfully small to me. Can this be...

For Paul Schoen and John Fields - autotransformer SPICE models.

Started by Fred Abse in sci.electronics.design12 years ago 6 replies

Following the exchanges on SEB, about autotransformers, and turns ratio, I wrote these models. The subckts should run on any SPICE which...

Following the exchanges on SEB, about autotransformers, and turns ratio, I wrote these models. The subckts should run on any SPICE which supports .param and rser/rpar. The .asy files are for LTspice. The symbols should pick up the subckts without any need for a .lib directive. The first is simpler, requiring primary inductance, turns ratio, and primary resistance. The second examp...

another LT Spice question

Started by John Larkin in sci.electronics.design11 years ago 15 replies

Analog Devices has a model for their AD8033, as...

Analog Devices has a model for their AD8033, as AD8033.cir. http://www.analog.com/Analog_Root/static/techSupport/designTools/spiceModels/license/spice_gener al.html?cir=AD8033.cir How do I get this into LT Spice? -- John Larkin Highland Technology Inc www.highlandtechnology.com jlarkin at highlandtechnology dot com Precision electronic instrumentation P

SPICE model for lead acid cell

Started by Daku in sci.electronics.design13 years ago 1 reply

Could some electronics guru please direct me to a SPICE model for a lead acid cell. I understand that PSpice comes with a model, but I do not...

Could some electronics guru please direct me to a SPICE model for a lead acid cell. I understand that PSpice comes with a model, but I do not use PSpice, and I hear that the library is encrypted.


Started by OldGuy in sci.electronics.design11 years ago 26 replies

So does LTSpice or some other graphical spice support Triacs Unijunctions PUTs Diac SCR Where can I find simple models for these...

So does LTSpice or some other graphical spice support Triacs Unijunctions PUTs Diac SCR Where can I find simple models for these to use with LTSpice of some free graphical spice? Yes, I need unijuction and triac and etc support. --- news://freenews.netfront.net/ - complaints: news@netfront.net ---

SPICE model for a spark plug?

Started by Joerg in sci.electronics.design4 years ago 51 replies

Looking for a SPICE model that mimics a spark plug, ideally with and without fuel. Does anyone know where to find one? So far I...

Looking for a SPICE model that mimics a spark plug, ideally with and without fuel. Does anyone know where to find one? So far I found: .subckt spark_gap 1 4 R_off 1 2 1e7 ; dark resistance (affects breakdown voltage) R_ion 1 2 R=10/V(ion)**.75 ; dynamic ionization resistance Dfall 2 3 10V ; bidirectional cathode fall voltage Cdfall 2 3 50p Rser=100 ; for convergence V_ion 3 4 0 ; cu...

74HCU04 Spice Model found and posted...

Started by Jim Thompson in sci.electronics.design11 years ago 1 reply

On popular request, 74HCU04 Spice Model rescued from 1993 archives and posted on the Device Models & Subcircuits page of my website... ...

On popular request, 74HCU04 Spice Model rescued from 1993 archives and posted on the Device Models & Subcircuits page of my website... ...Jim Thompson -- | James E.Thompson | mens | | Analog Innovations | et | | Analog/Mixed-Sign

What is the maximum signal frequency SPICE can handle ?

Started by Anonymous in sci.electronics.design13 years ago 8 replies

Could some electronics guru tell me what is the maximum signal frequency that the SPICE can handle ? I have experimented with a simple low...

Could some electronics guru tell me what is the maximum signal frequency that the SPICE can handle ? I have experimented with a simple low pass LC filter and found that the maximum input frequency that it can handle (before the output looks like junk) is 1 THz (10^12 Hz) even when the cutoff has been set to 150 THz. What are your experiences with this ?

New Spice Model Posted... Microchip MCP6566 Comparator

Started by Jim Thompson in sci.electronics.design11 years ago 3 replies

New Spice Model Posted... Microchip MCP6566 Comparator.... MCP6566_Lib.zip On the Device Models & Subcircuits Page of my...

New Spice Model Posted... Microchip MCP6566 Comparator.... MCP6566_Lib.zip On the Device Models & Subcircuits Page of my website. ...Jim Thompson -- | James E.Thompson | mens | | Analog Innovations | et | | Analog/Mixed-Signal ASIC's and Discrete Systems | ...

Good Find, CD4007 Spice Model Library....

Started by Jim Thompson in sci.electronics.design8 years ago 44 replies

Good Find, CD4007 Spice Model Library, at Rochester Institute of Technology, actual measurements by Professor Lynn Fuller... ...

Good Find, CD4007 Spice Model Library, at Rochester Institute of Technology, actual measurements by Professor Lynn Fuller... ...Jim Thompson -- | James E.Thompson | mens | | Analog Innovations | et | | Analog/Mi

Power MOSFET SPICE modelling

Started by Glenn in sci.electronics.design12 years ago 2 replies

How can they SPICE model two distinct serially connected resistors (Rls, Rcs - respectively Rll, Rcl) inside a power MOSFET? Are they kidding us...

How can they SPICE model two distinct serially connected resistors (Rls, Rcs - respectively Rll, Rcl) inside a power MOSFET? Are they kidding us ;-) If so is that useful in the model?: A Low-Cost Class-E Power Ampli?er with Sine-Wave Drive - Caltech: http://www.its.caltech.edu/~mmic/reshpubindex/papers/ClassE.pdf (pdf-page 3) - Is it possible (how?) to measure the internal paras

SPICE microstrip dipole antenna model

Started by amal banerjee in sci.electronics.design4 years ago 2 replies

I am experimenting with SPICE microstrip dipole antenna models. The series RLC lumped element model is assumed. For a half-wavelength microstrip...

I am experimenting with SPICE microstrip dipole antenna models. The series RLC lumped element model is assumed. For a half-wavelength microstrip dipole antenna, the inductance value of the two microstrip segments is computed using values for trace width, thickness, substrate thickness and effective dielectric constant. The capacitor value is obtained by using resonant frequency

SPICE tarnsient analysis of oscillators - sampling time

Started by Anonymous in sci.electronics.design6 years ago 43 replies

Could some electronics guru here please clarify this a bit ? I am experimenting with SPICE transient analysis of oscillator, and I am unsure as...

Could some electronics guru here please clarify this a bit ? I am experimenting with SPICE transient analysis of oscillator, and I am unsure as to what to set as the ideal sampling time, given that most oscillators will generate a fundamental and a few harmonics. For example, suppose that I have a 500 MHz differential oscillator, and I set the sampling time as 1/(15.0*time period of fund...

cleanup batch file for LT Spice

Started by John Larkin in sci.electronics.design6 years ago 8 replies

This is _Cleanup.bat rem LT Spice cleanup batch file DEL *.log DEL *.raw DEL *.op.raw -- John Larkin, President ...

This is _Cleanup.bat rem LT Spice cleanup batch file DEL *.log DEL *.raw DEL *.op.raw -- John Larkin, President Highland Technology Inc www.highlandtechnology.com jlarkin at highlandtechnology dot com Precision electronic instrumentation Picosecond-resolution Digital Delay and Pulse generators Custom timing and laser controllers Photonics and fiberoptic ...

SPICE S parameter for frequency dependent circuit components question

Started by amal banerjee in sci.electronics.design3 years ago 11 replies

Could some electronics suru here clarify this a bit ? A planar inductor has a frequency dependent resistance(skin, proximity effecrs). Can the...

Could some electronics suru here clarify this a bit ? A planar inductor has a frequency dependent resistance(skin, proximity effecrs). Can the small signal S parameters for such an inductor be measured using stabdard SPICE small signal(.AC) analysis ? At each frequency in a specified frequency range, the series resistance is different. Does this new resistance at each frequency have effect on ...

LTSpice resistive divider

Started by Piotr Wyderski in sci.electronics.design3 years ago 14 replies

Hi, what has recently happened to my Spice? Below is a simple resistor divider and this is the R2...

Hi, what has recently happened to my Spice? Below is a simple resistor divider and this is the R2 voltage: https://i.postimg.cc/SxPYBV2c/spice.png Switching between solvers doesn't make any difference. Best regards, Piotr Version 4 SHEET 1 880 680 WIRE 208 32 96 32 WIRE 368 32 288 32 WIRE 368 48 368 32 WIRE 96 80 96 32 WIRE 96 176 96 160 WIRE 368 176 368 128 FLAG 96 176 0...

Defect in Analog Devices Spice model for the AD734

Started by Bill Sloman in sci.electronics.design10 years ago 35 replies

I've been using the Analog Devices Spice model in LTSpice to model the AD734 running with a current output - see Figure 25 on page 13 of the Rev...

I've been using the Analog Devices Spice model in LTSpice to model the AD734 running with a current output - see Figure 25 on page 13 of the Rev E AD734 data sheet http://www.analog.com/media/en/technical-documentation/data-sheets/AD734.pdf When running a roughly 15kHz sine wave through the device, the positive current output limits at something between +200uA and +280uA. The