
poking rs232 port BMS

Started by legg in sci.electronics.design5 years ago 13 replies

I've got a battery management unit that is reluctant to demonstrate functionality. The vendor's terminal com software seems non-functional...

I've got a battery management unit that is reluctant to demonstrate functionality. The vendor's terminal com software seems non-functional (will not install). So far the only evidence of life is a control line (one of three) hard on, and rare /XFFE /FFF signalled outputs on the rs232 port. Internal DC-DC fails to power LEM sensor. Balancing terminals seem inactive. Can anyone recom...

Circuit golf

Started by Clifford Heath in sci.electronics.design4 years ago 5 replies

Here's a "circuit golf" challenge (the goal is to solve the problem in minimum cost/complexity without using specialised components. The...

Here's a "circuit golf" challenge (the goal is to solve the problem in minimum cost/complexity without using specialised components. The "HomeBus" communication standard (which Mitsubishi calls M-Net and some others refer to as P1P2) sends 9600 baud RS232 bytes using inverted "alternate mark inversion" (successive zero bits are sent 2V pulses with alternating phases) on a 12-15V multi-d...

little math thing

Started by Anonymous in sci.electronics.design3 years ago 6 replies

We have some wonderful old Tek 11801 scopes. The later versions will measure rising-edge RMS jitter of a vertical input step relative to the...

We have some wonderful old Tek 11801 scopes. The later versions will measure rising-edge RMS jitter of a vertical input step relative to the external trigger. But maybe that trigger has jitter. I'd rather scope two vertical inputs and compute the jitter between them. The two signals would be sampled exactly simultaneously and would be expected to have low vertical noise. We can RS232 int...

RS232 decode routines from raw scope data?

Started by Joerg in sci.electronics.design6 years ago 76 replies

Is there a simple Windows or Linux program that can decode serial data out of raw data from an digital oscilloscope? My old logic analyzer...

Is there a simple Windows or Linux program that can decode serial data out of raw data from an digital oscilloscope? My old logic analyzer does not have any serial data decoding and neither does my scope. So I'd need something that can take in the ADC raw data, I set a threshold to turn that into H/L digital values and the software would fish out the data words. Not sure if it even exis...