
8051F020 series, 5V tolerant input schematic?

Started by Joerg in sci.electronics.design12 years ago 89 replies

Folks, Got a Silicon Labs 8051Fxxx with 5V-tolerant ports. In the abs max it says 5.8V is the limit. Well, if one uses the typical diode...

Folks, Got a Silicon Labs 8051Fxxx with 5V-tolerant ports. In the abs max it says 5.8V is the limit. Well, if one uses the typical diode against the 5V rail it could go slightly above 6V in case of a really big jolt. Since this 8051 does not have a 5V supply but just VDD (which hangs on 3.3V in this case) there can't be any parasitic substrate diodes dumping into a rail. Does anyone kno...

Fast simple microcontroller

Started by Anthony William Sloman in sci.electronics.design3 years ago 165 replies

I've been thinking about Timo's inverter, and it looks as if a micro-controller that offered a 100MHz clock rate would be fast enough to do a...

I've been thinking about Timo's inverter, and it looks as if a micro-controller that offered a 100MHz clock rate would be fast enough to do a decent job of switching the Siliconix Si3440DV DMOSFet that I fancy. I've found a PIC part that's fast enough, and pretty cheap, but it is designed for digital signal processing, which makes it more complicated than necessary. A nice, dumb but quick 8051...

Uart through an audio transformer

Started by Martin Griffith in sci.electronics.design16 years ago 27 replies

Any rules of thumb about sending a 9600 baud UARTsignal ,from an 8051 through a telecom type V90 audio transformer, (LT spice K L1 L2 1 @ 4mH Rs...

Any rules of thumb about sending a 9600 baud UARTsignal ,from an 8051 through a telecom type V90 audio transformer, (LT spice K L1 L2 1 @ 4mH Rs = 10R) I only need about 8 bytes of data, and LTspice seems to need a square wave for about a millisecond before it settles down. So a long sync word of 010101 etc then a start byte? I'll pad the sig down to 100mV or so martin