
AD633 Spice Model Now Available

Started by Jim Thompson in sci.electronics.design7 years ago 4 replies

On the Device Models & Subcircuits Page of my website you will find a new post... AD633_JT.zip A Rudimentary Behavioral Model...

On the Device Models & Subcircuits Page of my website you will find a new post... AD633_JT.zip A Rudimentary Behavioral Model of Analog Devices AD633 Analog Multiplier suitable for most transient analysis situations. However Noise, CMRR and Feed-Thru are not modeled. ...Jim Thompson -- | James E.Thompson ...

Twisted Pair

Started by Jim Thompson in sci.electronics.design11 years ago 107 replies

Anyone have a decent Spice model for a twisted pair... lossy, not the ideal model in circulation? ...

Anyone have a decent Spice model for a twisted pair... lossy, not the ideal model in circulation? ...Jim Thompson -- | James E.Thompson | mens | | Analog Innovations | et | | Analog/Mixed-Signal ASIC's and Discrete Systems | manus | | San Tan Valley, AZ 85142 S...

another LT Spice question

Started by John Larkin in sci.electronics.design12 years ago 35 replies

I have this circuit driving a pulsed laser. I want to compute the energy dumped into the laser and the energy stored in the power...

I have this circuit driving a pulsed laser. I want to compute the energy dumped into the laser and the energy stored in the power supply capacitors. The ballpark is 120 amps into a 20 volt laser for a few hundred microseconds. What I did was create a "B" behavioral current source whose equation is I = V(LASER) * I(LASER) which represents power, and dump that into a 1 farad cap. The...

SPICE s parameter measurement for one port network - help please

Started by amal banerjee in sci.electronics.design3 years ago 7 replies

Could some electronics guru help me a bit ? How would one set up S parameter measurement for a one port network - a dipole antenna ? Let the...

Could some electronics guru help me a bit ? How would one set up S parameter measurement for a one port network - a dipole antenna ? Let the input be a 50 Ohm(Z0) transmission line. What about the other end ? An impedance with the value of tadiayion resistance 377 Ohm maybe ? All hints, suggestions will bwgreatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

LT Spice random phase

Started by John Larkin in sci.electronics.design9 years ago 10 replies

I'd like a sine wave generator to come up at a randon, different phase every time I do a transient run. Or a pulse generator that has a...

I'd like a sine wave generator to come up at a randon, different phase every time I do a transient run. Or a pulse generator that has a random startup delay. Any good way to do this? My tries aren't working. -- John Larkin Highland Technology, Inc picosecond timing precision measurement jlarkin att highlandtechnology dott com http://www.highlandtechnology.com...

Coax modelling question

Started by Syd Rumpo in sci.electronics.design8 years ago 103 replies

I can model a coax cable in LT spice using the inbuilt model or a lumped collection of R C and L. But the cable I want to model has no...

I can model a coax cable in LT spice using the inbuilt model or a lumped collection of R C and L. But the cable I want to model has no overall screen insulation, and somewhere between most and hardly any of it is very tightly wound onto a drum, so the outer on the drum is all 'shorted' together. The outer is steel and has the same order of resistance as the copper inner. That means ...

Win11 repair

Started by john larkin in sci.electronics.design1 year ago 145 replies

I just "upgraded" from Windows 7 to 11. The new PC is a lot faster running Spice. But the File Explorer is a horror. When I drag/drop a...

I just "upgraded" from Windows 7 to 11. The new PC is a lot faster running Spice. But the File Explorer is a horror. When I drag/drop a file, the cursor becomes a giant ugly icon. When I copy a file where a copy already exists, I have to go through a secondary dialog to compare file attributes. If I right-click on a file, simple things like delete and rename are a secondary operation!...

LTSpice MESFET models

Started by Phil Hobbs in sci.electronics.design13 years ago 11 replies

Back on topic for a bit: I'm getting back to work on the biochip preamp, and I'd really like a more realistic SPICE model than the...

Back on topic for a bit: I'm getting back to work on the biochip preamp, and I'd really like a more realistic SPICE model than the behavioural ones I cobbled together previously. There are various models in the Avago literature for their ATF3x143 pHEMTs, but nothing that I can persuade LTSpice to swallow. They publish something called a Statz MESFETM1 model, as follows: Statz Mod...

little switching supply

Started by John Larkin in sci.electronics.design1 year ago 15 replies

This is a DAC-programmed power supply, 48v in and 0-36 out maybe. I want to use the TI switcher, but I don't know how to wedge it into LT...

This is a DAC-programmed power supply, 48v in and 0-36 out maybe. I want to use the TI switcher, but I don't know how to wedge it into LT Spice. One of my guys can run the TI simulator, so I'll let him tune it with the TI part. We might do programmable current limiting in an FPGA, based on the current shunt measurement. Version 4 SHEET 1 1872 756 WIRE 96 -112 16 -112 WIRE 192 -112 9...

Shopping for low C PFET

Started by George Herold in sci.electronics.design6 years ago 21 replies

Hi All, well one last swing at my HV reset spad circuit. (circuit scribble or spice file on request.) I need a low input C, P-fet with...

Hi All, well one last swing at my HV reset spad circuit. (circuit scribble or spice file on request.) I need a low input C, P-fet with decent Vds (~40V or greater.)* (It needs to turn off fast (

GRRRR part 2

Started by John Larkin in sci.electronics.design3 years ago 22 replies

I'm waiting for a sim to run, so may as well whine. It's running at 12 PPM of real time. LT Spice lets you put the value of a part anywhere on...

I'm waiting for a sim to run, so may as well whine. It's running at 12 PPM of real time. LT Spice lets you put the value of a part anywhere on the screen. I just spent an embarassing amount of time figuring out why my current limiter didn't work. It's a switching half-bridge with an output current sensor, and a pair of P+I opamps that sense positive and negative over-current and clamp the ...

Spice Diode Modeling of Forward Overshoot & Reverse Recovery

Started by Jim Thompson in sci.electronics.design7 years ago 98 replies

Nothing like a PhD telling me something can't be done to get my solver genes working double-time... Over baby-back ribs at Firebirds this...

Nothing like a PhD telling me something can't be done to get my solver genes working double-time... Over baby-back ribs at Firebirds this afternoon I realized how to parameterize my method. But all the information I have is from "peer-reviewed" semi-BS IEEE papers. Would someone be so kind as to take data on something common like a 1N914... forward overshoot and reverse recovery at va...

Phil: SAV541 model

Started by John Larkin in sci.electronics.design4 years ago 6 replies

Hey, Phil, Your SAV-551 Spice model is .MODEL SAV551 NMF(vto=0.08, Beta=0.3, + Lambda=0.07, Alpha=4 B=0.8, Pb=0.7, + Cgs=0.997E-12,...

Hey, Phil, Your SAV-551 Spice model is .MODEL SAV551 NMF(vto=0.08, Beta=0.3, + Lambda=0.07, Alpha=4 B=0.8, Pb=0.7, + Cgs=0.997E-12, Cgd=0.176E-12, Rd=0.084, + Rs=0.054, Kf=5e-11, Af=2) I was looking at the SAV-541. It conducts harder than 551 but looks about the same otherwise. I measured gate and drain capacitances and they look about the same. The s-params suggest a bit more capaci...

Coil driver simulation and questions

Started by Anonymous in sci.electronics.design6 years ago 11 replies

Could some electronics guru here please clarify the following. I did a SPICE simulation of a coil driver. A simple astable multivibrator @...

Could some electronics guru here please clarify the following. I did a SPICE simulation of a coil driver. A simple astable multivibrator @ 150 KHz provides the signals @ the bases of two 2N3055 BJTs. The collectors of each 2N3055 is tied to a coil. The coil is bifilar, with the common node connected to a 15 V DC source. Each inductor of the coil has value of 0.075 uH. The emitter of ea...

New 555 Spice Model

Started by Jim Thompson in sci.electronics.design14 years ago 25 replies

Got annoyed at the flaky 555 models that are out there, so I rolled my own... http://www.analog-innovations.com/SED/MyLMC555.zip Based on...

Got annoyed at the flaky 555 models that are out there, so I rolled my own... http://www.analog-innovations.com/SED/MyLMC555.zip Based on old AMI 20V CMOS device models, mostly form/fit/function with CMOS, but some behavioral on the front-end where it doesn't matter. Optimized and fitted to National LMC555 at 5V operation. It'll work at other voltages but may sink/source more or less ...

ADCMP582 LT Spice Model

Started by Anonymous in sci.electronics.design3 years ago 1 reply

ADI doesn't have models yet for their fast comparators. Or any of their own comparators. Here's my first cut at a model for the ADCMP582, a...

ADI doesn't have models yet for their fast comparators. Or any of their own comparators. Here's my first cut at a model for the ADCMP582, a superfast comparator with RSPECL outputs and programmable hysteresis. I didn't do output rise/fall times yet; one cap on node M might sorta work. Nice, expensive, hard to solder, power-hogging part. Version 4 SHEET 1 936 680 WIRE 80 -96 48 -96 ...

Quantization and sample/hold in spice

Started by Klaus Kragelund in sci.electronics.design7 years ago 19 replies

Hi I need to introduce and error in a signal, both quantization and sample/hold Sofar I have done it by placing an opamp based sample/hold...

Hi I need to introduce and error in a signal, both quantization and sample/hold Sofar I have done it by placing an opamp based sample/hold followed by a 8bit ADC (ADC8break) and a 8 bit DAC (DAC8break) But it doesn't feel right to use that much circuitry just to simulate an error in the system Anyone know if it can be done with ABM blocks? (sample and hold can be done with a zero order...

Ping Charlie Edmondson and Other Early PSpice Team members

Started by Jim Thompson in sci.electronics.design12 years ago 1 reply

From the LTspice List... "analogspiceman" analogspiceman !!PING!! to Jim Thompson, Mike Engelhardt and anyone else who might posses...

From the LTspice List... "analogspiceman" analogspiceman !!PING!! to Jim Thompson, Mike Engelhardt and anyone else who might posses historical insider knowledge regarding PSpice... I am in the process of updating the depth and accuracy of the historical SPICE page over at the LTwiki: http://ltwiki.org/?title=LTspice_Genealogy_-_The_Heritage_of_Simulation_Ubiquity A while ago I ...

LT Spice FFT scaling

Started by John Larkin in sci.electronics.design7 years ago 43 replies

Suppose I create a current source that's a sine wave, amplitude 1, frequency 1, and then run a transient response. Then plot current...

Suppose I create a current source that's a sine wave, amplitude 1, frequency 1, and then run a transient response. Then plot current and FFT. On a linear scale, it has some harmonics (no surprise) but the amplitude of the fundamental is 690 mA. Why 690? Is that a bad approximation of 707? Update: if I set the time step to 10 us, it runs slow but the FFT amplitude is 706.9 mA. So the ...

AN: Spice Model for Vishay VOM1271 Posted

Started by Jim Thompson in sci.electronics.design9 years ago

A rudimentary behavioral model of the Vishay VOM1271 PhotoVoltaic MOSFET Driver has been posted... see VOM1271.zip on the Device Models &...

A rudimentary behavioral model of the Vishay VOM1271 PhotoVoltaic MOSFET Driver has been posted... see VOM1271.zip on the Device Models & Subcircuits page of my website. ...Jim Thompson -- | James E.Thompson | mens | | Analog Innovations | et | | Analog/Mixed-Signal ASI...