
Low MOSFET IDSS current

Started by Mike Perkins in sci.electronics.design7 years ago 70 replies

Most seem to specify 1uA, even at 25C. Can anyone point me to one that's affordable and more like 10nA? Most selection guides seem to miss...

Most seem to specify 1uA, even at 25C. Can anyone point me to one that's affordable and more like 10nA? Most selection guides seem to miss out this feature! Greatly appreciate any feedback. -- Mike Perkins Video Solutions Ltd www.videosolutions.ltd.uk

many relay drivers

Started by John Larkin in sci.electronics.design2 years ago 34 replies

https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/40slcbgbngggdcwwt95vi/Relay_Drivers.jpg?rlkey=gfai2trx0n6bnja2yl4 hber7i&raw=1 I like C1, with just a...

https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/40slcbgbngggdcwwt95vi/Relay_Drivers.jpg?rlkey=gfai2trx0n6bnja2yl4 hber7i&raw=1 I like C1, with just a high-enough-voltage mosfet that it survives the max flyback voltage. C2 would use some exotic avalanche-rated thing. Everthing else needs more parts. Any more?

Mystery Part -- Si VN01?

Started by Tim Wescott in sci.electronics.design11 years ago 17 replies

I was digging through le junque bocs yesterday looking for a TO-92 MOSFET, and found a bag of what I dimly remember as being such. But my...

I was digging through le junque bocs yesterday looking for a TO-92 MOSFET, and found a bag of what I dimly remember as being such. But my memory is too dim, and I used a PN2222 with a base resistor instead. So before I throw these out, can anyone recognize the part? If I know what it is I can mark the bag and have it as a resource. Otherwise I'll probably trash it. It's a TO-92 ...

Horrible lead times on some MOSFETs

Started by bitrex in sci.electronics.design3 years ago 40 replies

Ouch: A lot of the inexpensive low Vgs high-voltage MOSFETs are like that, even singles :(

Ouch: A lot of the inexpensive low Vgs high-voltage MOSFETs are like that, even singles :(

AoE x-Chapters, 4x.26, MOSFET current source, nodal analysis

Started by Winfield Hill in sci.electronics.design6 years ago 60 replies

Here's a new section I'm hoping to complete, so it can be added to the x-Chapter book before it goes to the printer in a few weeks. ...

Here's a new section I'm hoping to complete, so it can be added to the x-Chapter book before it goes to the printer in a few weeks. Please look it over, but don't be too harsh, about its lack of mathematical vigor. It's closer to our usual back-of-the envelope approach to calculations. Fixes for errors, suggestions for clarification, improved accuracy, and comments welcome. ...

dual gate mosfet oscillator

Started by bitrex in sci.electronics.design11 years ago 22 replies

Anyone have any experience with how dual gate mosfets perform in a crystal oscillator role, at low voltages ( < 3 v), at frequencies say 200...

Anyone have any experience with how dual gate mosfets perform in a crystal oscillator role, at low voltages ( < 3 v), at frequencies say 200 - 500 MHz? -- ----Android NewsGroup Reader---- http://www.piaohong.tk/newsgroup

A flyback based on the new Infineon SiC

Started by Piotr Wyderski in sci.electronics.design5 years ago 2 replies

Some time ago James Arthur sent here a notification about the IMBF170R1K0M1XTMA1 SiC MOSFET. I have just re-prototyped one of my wide input...

Some time ago James Arthur sent here a notification about the IMBF170R1K0M1XTMA1 SiC MOSFET. I have just re-prototyped one of my wide input range flybacks, and the results are excellent. The performance is comparable to the one with the 1700V C2M Cree part, but the converter's structure is much simpler, which is good for reliability. Thanks, James. Best regards, Piotr

4500 volt mosfet

Started by Anonymous in sci.electronics.design4 years ago 6 replies

https://www.digikey.com/en/products/detail/ixys/IXTT02N450HV/3737633?s=N4IgTCBcDaIJYA8AuSAMYB2IC 6BfIA Rds_on is < 625 ohms! More like a...

https://www.digikey.com/en/products/detail/ixys/IXTT02N450HV/3737633?s=N4IgTCBcDaIJYA8AuSAMYB2IC 6BfIA Rds_on is < 625 ohms! More like a tube! It sure Spices nice. https://www.dropbox.com/s/wlpc73azpm0iyzn/T855_Totem_2.jpg?raw=1 -- John Larkin Highland Technology, Inc The best designs are necessarily accidental.

why do they do this?

Started by John Larkin in sci.electronics.design5 years ago 132 replies

ST makes a nice little LDO, super-low dropout with an aux Vbias supply. Saves me from rolling my own with an opamp and a mosfet. It's an...

ST makes a nice little LDO, super-low dropout with an aux Vbias supply. Saves me from rolling my own with an opamp and a mosfet. It's an ST1L08. So why is the data sheet file en.DM00123507.pdf ? -- John Larkin Highland Technology, Inc picosecond timing precision measurement jlarkin att highlandtechnology dott com http://www.highlandtechnology.com

mosfet strings

Started by John Larkin in sci.electronics.design3 years ago 19 replies

https://www.dropbox.com/s/s6nfu30ldyzvpqy/Fet_String.jpg?raw=1 This is to test four fets on a heat sink for power dissipation. -- If a...

https://www.dropbox.com/s/s6nfu30ldyzvpqy/Fet_String.jpg?raw=1 This is to test four fets on a heat sink for power dissipation. -- If a man will begin with certainties, he shall end with doubts, but if he will be content to begin with doubts he shall end in certainties. Francis Bacon

Gate resistor for lateral power MOSFET?

Started by Frank Miles in sci.electronics.design8 years ago 26 replies

I'm designing a power amplifier using some Exicon lateral MOSFETs as the final common-source stage. These will be used in various experimental...

I'm designing a power amplifier using some Exicon lateral MOSFETs as the final common-source stage. These will be used in various experimental systems. Each only needs to run around +/-50V out, up to 4A, and driving sinusoidally between 50 and 400kHz. The load can be approximated as a lossy series LC circuit, driven near resonance with R generally 10-20 ohms. There's an additional > 200

another air flow sensor circuit

Started by John Larkin in sci.electronics.design2 years ago 5 replies

https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/zppy7en9noljcfdo0qyv6/Darl_Flow_Sensor_1.jpg?dl=0&rlkey=v7jk899m8 l1jxz91r05lj6byx (I hope that link...

https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/zppy7en9noljcfdo0qyv6/Darl_Flow_Sensor_1.jpg?dl=0&rlkey=v7jk899m8 l1jxz91r05lj6byx (I hope that link works) The darlington is a TO-92 sticking up from the PCB into the air stream. The idea is to turn on the mosfet for a while to heat up the darlington, then turn it off and take a few measurements as it cools down. A few points should be enough to calcula

Inverter H bridge question

Started by Daku in sci.electronics.design13 years ago 25 replies

Could some electronics guru please help ? I was running a SPICE simulation of an H bridge for an inverter, with 12 V DC input. The H bridge has...

Could some electronics guru please help ? I was running a SPICE simulation of an H bridge for an inverter, with 12 V DC input. The H bridge has PMOS on the high side and NMOS on the ground side. The switching works fine, and the output waveform looks exactly as it should, except that the amplitude is in the milliVolt range. I have adjusted the MOSFET sizes but that has not been very helpful. ...

Low Threshold MOSFET

Started by rickman in sci.electronics.design8 years ago 34 replies

I was looking to order some low current MOSFETs and realized all the popular items had thresholds of 3 volts and higher. I would like to use...

I was looking to order some low current MOSFETs and realized all the popular items had thresholds of 3 volts and higher. I would like to use something that turns on pretty well at 3 volts so it won't need a 5 volt PSU. Any suggestions? I'm looking for a TO-92 case preferably but surface mount will be ok too. I could have sworn some years ago I tracked down a number of low threshold...

H-bridge IC

Started by Winfield Hill in sci.electronics.design9 years ago 11 replies

I'm looking for a small, inexpensive H-bridge, or full-bridge IC, including MOSFET switches, for a forward-converter application. (My old...

I'm looking for a small, inexpensive H-bridge, or full-bridge IC, including MOSFET switches, for a forward-converter application. (My old favorite HIP4080 series has 20 pins and requires external FETs.) Most of the ICs with internal switches that I've found are meant for driving motors, and seem to have slow switching speeds. 40 volts and 2 amps are my minimum requirements. The LMD18200 ...

Fast buffer idea

Started by bitrex in sci.electronics.design8 years ago 133 replies

Diamond buffers are kind of cool, emitter feedback makes them linear and they don't have much phase shift, but they kind of suck balls whenever...

Diamond buffers are kind of cool, emitter feedback makes them linear and they don't have much phase shift, but they kind of suck balls whenever you want to actually move appreciable current with them which unfortunately is exactly what you'd want to do with a buffer. I came up with this thing that uses a sort of MOSFET-BJT Sziklai pair input-thing to drive boosting transistors to pump m...

really slow PLL

Started by John Larkin in sci.electronics.design3 years ago 172 replies

Suppose I have several rackmount boxes and each has a BNC connector on the back. Each of them has an open-drain mosfet, a weak pullup, and...

Suppose I have several rackmount boxes and each has a BNC connector on the back. Each of them has an open-drain mosfet, a weak pullup, and a lowpass filtered schmitt gate back into our FPGA. I can daisy-chain several boxes with BNC cables and tees. Each box has a 40 MHz VCXO and I want to phase-lock them, or at least time-align them to always be the same within a few microseconds, l...

Is This Spice Model Accurate?

Started by rickman in sci.electronics.design10 years ago 15 replies

This model for a PMOSFET shows VTO=1.00. The data sheet shows VGS(th) as -1.0 to -0.45 volts. I'm guess these are two different specs? One...

This model for a PMOSFET shows VTO=1.00. The data sheet shows VGS(th) as -1.0 to -0.45 volts. I'm guess these are two different specs? One is where the current is at a specified level and the other is where the current starts to change from the cut off condition? Here is the model for this part. *SRC=DMP2240UDM;DI_DMP2240UDM;MOSFETs Enh;20.0V 2.00A 0.150ohms Diodes Inc MOSFET .M...

AoE x-Chapters, 45 years of power MOSFETs

Started by Winfield Hill in sci.electronics.design6 years ago 23 replies

A new section from the AoE x-Chapters book, for you to read, enjoy, and make comments. A 30-Year MOSFET Saga, The next 15 years, and Four...

A new section from the AoE x-Chapters book, for you to read, enjoy, and make comments. A 30-Year MOSFET Saga, The next 15 years, and Four kinds of power MOSFETs. https://www.dropbox.com/s/0qh8dxgielrkqvq/chap-3x.11_MOSFET-saga_2019-07-19.pdf?dl=0 -- Thanks, - Win

PCB transmission line transformer

Started by John Larkin in sci.electronics.design11 years ago 54 replies

We've used transmission-line transformers to drive mosfet gates. We've wound them from micro-coax on ferrite toroids, with the shield being...

We've used transmission-line transformers to drive mosfet gates. We've wound them from micro-coax on ferrite toroids, with the shield being the primary and the inner conductor the secondary. Sub-ns speed and low leakage inductance. But it's labor intensive. So I was thinking about doing it on a multilayer PCB, like a 6-layer. Layers 1/3/5 could be one to three layers of spiral trace, pr...