
killing google group posts

Started by john larkin in sci.electronics.design1 year ago 25 replies

The agent8 kill filter message-id: googlegroups.com elimninates the terrible spam I've been seeing. I guess it will eliminate some...

The agent8 kill filter message-id: googlegroups.com elimninates the terrible spam I've been seeing. I guess it will eliminate some semi-legit posts.

OT: Hydraulics query

Started by Clive Arthur in sci.electronics.design1 year ago 17 replies

If I have a U-tube, horizontal and submerged in water, with a propeller half way along inside one leg, what happens when the prop is...

If I have a U-tube, horizontal and submerged in water, with a propeller half way along inside one leg, what happens when the prop is rotated? Obviously, the same amount of water comes out of one leg at the same velocity as it goes in the other. Because the in and out are separated in distance, there will be a torque generated. But if we constrain the tube so it can't rotate - or simpl...


Started by Mike Monett VE3BTI in sci.electronics.design1 year ago 3 replies

I'm sitting here looking at an instrument that blows my mind. It is a miniature had held spectrum analyser that sweeps from 100 KHz to 12 Ghz....

I'm sitting here looking at an instrument that blows my mind. It is a miniature had held spectrum analyser that sweeps from 100 KHz to 12 Ghz. 12 Ghz! I'm looking at the WiFi channel at 2.54 GHz with a waterfall display. Sure, it doesn't have the dynamic range of a R&S, but it doesn't cost as much either. It is good enough for my purposes. I have recently collected a respectable group...

Bondic baby board

Started by john larkin in sci.electronics.design1 year ago 1 reply

I want to stand a small PCB edgewise on a bigger board. It will reflow solder but we need to stand it up before we reflow. I tacked a board...

I want to stand a small PCB edgewise on a bigger board. It will reflow solder but we need to stand it up before we reflow. I tacked a board onto a board with Bondic, the UV-cure epoxy, and we ran it through the reflow oven. Bondic specs 150c max but it looks fine, didn't fall over or anything. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/gwq09jj040o5ow3o0s2u8/Bondic_Baby_Board.jpg?rlkey=otvs4c1mtp5b96f...

new x-ray machine

Started by John Larkin in sci.electronics.design1 year ago 42 replies

There's an electronics assembly joint near us that's going out of business, so we poached three employees and a bunch of equipment....

There's an electronics assembly joint near us that's going out of business, so we poached three employees and a bunch of equipment. I've always wanted a high-res xray, and I got one and the guy to run it. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/lfdot6a64pg05z2x1ejo1/h?rlkey=p8lmnoy9388d3v20qv5a8qgwf&dl=0 We also got a 3D AOI board inspection machine which makes equally cool images.

right angle RGB leds

Started by Don Y in sci.electronics.design1 year ago 40 replies

I need to mount (many) RGB indicators at right angle to the PCB (i.e., so the light travels parallel to the plane of the PCB) The entire...

I need to mount (many) RGB indicators at right angle to the PCB (i.e., so the light travels parallel to the plane of the PCB) The entire assembly needs to be *really* thin. Using SMT components, it seems like I'd have to use lightpipes to bend the light (typically emitted normal to the PCB). This will add to the thickness of the assembly (board thickness + component + pipe) A better...

Stability of phase shifted converters

Started by Miguel Gimenez in sci.electronics.design1 year ago 12 replies

Hello. I have built a phase shifted converter based in the UCC28951 from TI, but I have problems with stability. The load has built-in...

Hello. I have built a phase shifted converter based in the UCC28951 from TI, but I have problems with stability. The load has built-in capacitors and the converter oscillates wildly. I have changed the Type-II compensator to a Type-III one, but oscillations do not stop. Calculation of the Type-III compensator is based in application note SLVA662 from TI. The input voltage is 48 V, ou...

Pulse stretcher circuit needed

Started by bitrex in sci.electronics.design1 year ago 7 replies

So I have a SPLC that's infrequently outputting ~ 100uS positive-going pulses on a few pins, and on two of the lines I'd like to stretch that...

So I have a SPLC that's infrequently outputting ~ 100uS positive-going pulses on a few pins, and on two of the lines I'd like to stretch that pulse out to blink an LED for the user to confirm activity. Here is my nice-to-have constraint, I have four comparators in the device (GreenPAK) that aren't currently being used for anything. The non-inverting inputs are on a pin with configurabl...

50 years of Analog Dialog

Started by John Larkin in sci.electronics.design1 year ago 2 replies

https://www.analog.com/en/analog-dialogue/50-years.html There was a Burr-Brown thing like that too.

https://www.analog.com/en/analog-dialogue/50-years.html There was a Burr-Brown thing like that too.


Started by David Lesher in sci.electronics.design1 year ago 15 replies

There's lots of press about the 2019 single-part 10BaseT1S & 1L standards. It's designed to replace 4-20mA systems via existing single pair...

There's lots of press about the 2019 single-part 10BaseT1S & 1L standards. It's designed to replace 4-20mA systems via existing single pair cable. I'm wondering re: media converters to existing 100BaseT etc LANS. I've found zip so far... Anyone seem same? -- A host is a host from coast to coast...............wb8foz@panix.com & no one will talk to a host that's close....................

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