
TCA0372 1A opamp stability probs?

Started by BobG in sci.electronics.basics14 years ago 11 replies

Anyone used a TCA0372 1A output opamp? Seems prone to oscillate? Does it need some minimum gain to be stable? I'm running it from +-15V,...

Anyone used a TCA0372 1A output opamp? Seems prone to oscillate? Does it need some minimum gain to be stable? I'm running it from +-15V, two equal resistor inverters in series, input is 10.00V reference, trying to make a +-10V pot rail supply. Its squirrelly. Would a BFC across the feedback R help?

RRIO OpAmp Recommendation?

Started by Jim Thompson in sci.electronics.basics10 years ago 15 replies

I need a rail-to-rail I/O OpAmp, 5V Vcc is fine, slow speed setting a current mirror. What would you guys in the discrete world recommend as...

I need a rail-to-rail I/O OpAmp, 5V Vcc is fine, slow speed setting a current mirror. What would you guys in the discrete world recommend as being well-behaved, no peculiarities, etc? (And readily available ;-) Thanks! ...Jim Thompson -- | James E.Thompson | mens | | Analog Innovations ...

Simulating Power Bandwidth

Started by Jim Thompson in sci.electronics.basics11 years ago 24 replies

I'm trying to do a simulation to show power bandwidth for a (high power) OpAmp versus compensation capacitor. In the lab I would simply crank...

I'm trying to do a simulation to show power bandwidth for a (high power) OpAmp versus compensation capacitor. In the lab I would simply crank up the signal generator amplitude until the output became triangular rather than sinusoidal. Collect all the data for peak amplitudes versus frequency and then plot. Any ideas how I might do that automatically in a simulator, generating a family...