
SIM chips

Started by RichD in sci.electronics.design1 year ago 7 replies

I recently switched phone providers, replacing the SIM chip. Which got me wondering an old wonderment: what's inside? It's remarkable that...

I recently switched phone providers, replacing the SIM chip. Which got me wondering an old wonderment: what's inside? It's remarkable that the industry has standardized on a single form factor and pin out. But I'm curious, what is the separation of functions, between the chip and the surrounding device? How to characterize it as a black box, what exactly are the signals which flow a...

Human interaction

Started by John Larkin in sci.electronics.design1 year ago 3 replies



Looking for very low threshold voltage NMOS and its PMOS counterpart

Started by amal banerjee in sci.electronics.design1 year ago 26 replies

Could some electronics guru please help ? I am looking for a very low(few milliVolts) VTO commercially available NMOS, and its corresponding...

Could some electronics guru please help ? I am looking for a very low(few milliVolts) VTO commercially available NMOS, and its corresponding PMOS. I am trying to use a reverse biased photodiode(very low output current) to trigger a PMOS. The output voltage could then be used to trigger ideally a BJT. Any hints, suggestiosn would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

cute little switcher

Started by John Larkin in sci.electronics.design1 year ago 4 replies

https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/cx2tgk4xexj134kck54js/h?rlkey=qrp95nd26g5zy2bjqce1k5pfa&dl=0 Diodes Inc AP63300. This will switch +48 down to...

https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/cx2tgk4xexj134kck54js/h?rlkey=qrp95nd26g5zy2bjqce1k5pfa&dl=0 Diodes Inc AP63300. This will switch +48 down to 5/12/24 or whatever. I tested it because sometimes synchronous switchers make horrendous noise spikes, but this looks pretty good. The trick seems to be to tweak the doping so the substrate diode isn't an SRD.

New big boy op amp

Started by bitrex in sci.electronics.design1 year ago 5 replies

Not as high a max supply voltage as the TCA0372, but that's a big boy slew rate and output current for the price:

Not as high a max supply voltage as the TCA0372, but that's a big boy slew rate and output current for the price:

LTspice speed

Started by dalai lamah in sci.electronics.design1 year ago 14 replies

As you probably know, in many occasions LTspice cannot take advantage of multiple CPU cores because many operations are not easily...

As you probably know, in many occasions LTspice cannot take advantage of multiple CPU cores because many operations are not easily parallelizable. In fact, most simulations I make use less than 20/25% of CPU (intel i5, 4 cores/8 threads). However, running more processes of LTspice to execute different simulations at the same time should overcome this limitation: each simulation is distinct...

TI Analog Design Journal

Started by sci.electronics.design in sci.electronics.design1 year ago 11 replies

With an archive dating back to 1999, the Analog Design Journal brings decades of deep, technical expertise, where you're sure to find an answer to...

With an archive dating back to 1999, the Analog Design Journal brings decades of deep, technical expertise, where you're sure to find an answer to your latest (or oldest) design question. Search the full archive of these quality technical articles. https://www.ti.com/design-development/analog-design-journal.html

Apple modem chip

Started by John Larkin in sci.electronics.design1 year ago



the well-dressed engineer

Started by John Larkin in sci.electronics.design1 year ago 35 replies

https://www.insidehook.com/article/style/fall-style-trends I kinda miss the white shirts and skinny ties and pocket protectors. (I'm wearing...

https://www.insidehook.com/article/style/fall-style-trends I kinda miss the white shirts and skinny ties and pocket protectors. (I'm wearing sweats and slippers at work today, but I have an excuse.)

Host Restriction

Started by legg in sci.electronics.design1 year ago 7 replies

Email to my brother started bouncing. (receiver domain name) SMTP error from remote mail server after initial connection: 550 5.7.1 [C16]...

Email to my brother started bouncing. (receiver domain name) SMTP error from remote mail server after initial connection: 550 5.7.1 [C16] RBL Restriction: See (web address)lookup.abusix.com/search?q=(my domain name) What's Abusix.com when its at home and what has it got to do with my email traffic? Legit or just collecting data? RL

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