
artificial stupidity

Started by John Larkin in sci.electronics.design9 months ago

We had a water pipe break just down the hill, and a crew was repairing it...

We had a water pipe break just down the hill, and a crew was repairing it yesterday. https://twitter.com/RafaelCorral13/status/1693389755306914238?t=IQjaaBWWrFq7MrBhh44nyg&s=19

Swerve drive alternatives

Started by Don Y in sci.electronics.design9 months ago 9 replies

The electric wheelchair I've automated has "issues" with changes in direction. These are a result of the way the non-powered wheels are...

The electric wheelchair I've automated has "issues" with changes in direction. These are a result of the way the non-powered wheels are connected to the frame. If you examine the front and rear pairs of wheels, you can see that the point of contact with the floor (which is last to change during a turn) i

Ball Join Push/Pop

Started by Eddy Lee in sci.electronics.design9 months ago 8 replies

BJ pop: https://www.ebay.com/itm/155476325387 BJ push: https://www.ebay.com/itm/204287982201 The problem is that some BJ pins are flush...

BJ pop: https://www.ebay.com/itm/155476325387 BJ push: https://www.ebay.com/itm/204287982201 The problem is that some BJ pins are flush mounted (i.e. control arm) and some are extrude mounted (i.e. tie rod). I have to add temporary pins and spacers to make it work. Ideal tool would be the C clamp with a screw hole on stop to mount a pin (for flush mounted pop) and a hole (for extrude mount...

Cheap, easily milled PCB material

Started by Don Y in sci.electronics.design9 months ago 13 replies

I have to make some dirt cheap boards. I can lay them out single-sided. But, need to be able to mill/route the outlines to relatively...

I have to make some dirt cheap boards. I can lay them out single-sided. But, need to be able to mill/route the outlines to relatively complex shapes (e.g., donuts, concave curves, etc.) One approach is to laser cut the boards -- if the material chosen isn't too "robust" -- instead of having the boardhouse deal with this. The boards don't have to be particularly sturdy as they will be...

Scope use question

Started by Bob Engelhardt in sci.electronics.basics9 months ago 10 replies

I'd like to use both traces on my scope to look at 2 voltages that are without a common reference. E.g., across R1 & across...

I'd like to use both traces on my scope to look at 2 voltages that are without a common reference. E.g., across R1 & across R3: ________R1____ | R2 ... | R3 ____|______ I know that there are isolation probes to do this ($$$), but I'm wondering if there is some clever other way to do it. In my minimal experience I can't see one, but I'm hopeful that ...

Spice is great!

Started by John Larkin in sci.electronics.design9 months ago 32 replies

While my sim is running, I can do all sorts of things. Grocery shop, prowl the web, take a nap. https://xkcd.com/303/ Same idea. My...

While my sim is running, I can do all sorts of things. Grocery shop, prowl the web, take a nap. https://xkcd.com/303/ Same idea. My alternator simulator simulation (!) takes about 25 minutes to rev up, running 10 or so PPM of real time. It's nicely settled in about an hour.

FLUX progress

Started by John Larkin in sci.electronics.design9 months ago 5 replies

I've been watching the progress of these guys... https://tinyurl.com/m3cnszx7 Somehow I have become a registered user with no effort on my...

I've been watching the progress of these guys... https://tinyurl.com/m3cnszx7 Somehow I have become a registered user with no effort on my part. Have you used Flux, or know anyone who has? I can't see how this can work or, frankly, why they haven't run out of money yet.

Personal NNTP servers

Started by Don Y in sci.electronics.design9 months ago 5 replies

Anyone else run a personal NNTP server? (I can't see why unless you have multiple workstations and want to unify the experience across...

Anyone else run a personal NNTP server? (I can't see why unless you have multiple workstations and want to unify the experience across them) I do -- but only as a prerequisite for the AI that screens posts for me. (it has to be able to read selected posts to determine if the content meets whatever notion of "appropriate" it has come up with so it can sort out the stuff that I've shown a...

Yet another exploit

Started by Don Y in sci.electronics.design9 months ago

Well, I anticipated (and defended against!) this one: What sort of idiots do they have designing these (high value) things that they...

Well, I anticipated (and defended against!) this one: What sort of idiots do they have designing these (high value) things that they don't consider and defend against *obvious* vulnerabilities??

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