I make mistakes TOM are you prefect? -- AL'S COMPUTERS "Tom Gardner" <spamjunk@blueyonder.co.uk> wrote in message news:kNHKz.493901$%E.252679@fx39.am4...> On 10/10/16 07:33, Andy wrote: >> I was told it's in my news reader settings ken so ill change it when i >> get >> time :) > > I'm sorry to read you are "so ill". > > If that prevents you from using the down-arrow > key, I hope you get better soon. >
Cable Modem Help
Started by ●October 3, 2016
Reply by ●October 10, 20162016-10-10
Reply by ●October 10, 20162016-10-10
On 10/10/16 09:42, Andy wrote:> I make mistakes TOM are you prefect?I tried to convince my daughter I was, but she didn't believe it. As a separate point, top-posting and putting the context (i.e. my response to your previous message) below your .sig (i.e. after the "--" line) meant that my newsreader chopped the context when creating this message. Yes, I could have manually re-inserted it, but I couldn't be bothered. Another reason top-posting is disliked.
Reply by ●October 10, 20162016-10-10
On Sun, 09 Oct 2016 21:50:38 -0400, Paul <nospam@needed.invalid> wrote:>Ken Blake wrote: >> On Sun, 9 Oct 2016 01:02:54 -0400, "Andy" <N@n.com> wrote: >> >>> I am aware my news reader does it but have not have the time to change it. >> >> >> It has very little to do with your newsreader. Regardless of where >> the newsreader puts the cursor, you can move it yourself. > >Outlook Express can use OEQuoteFix. It's possible >that third-party thing can make OE a good citizen.Yes, I know. Back in the days when I used Outlook Express, I used to use OEQuoteFix. But my point was that although even though something like OEQuoteFix can make it easier, it isn't necessary. You can still put your reply anywhere you want before, after, or within the quoted text.
Reply by ●October 10, 20162016-10-10
On Mon, 10 Oct 2016 02:33:19 -0400, "Andy" <N@n.com> wrote:>I was told it's in my news reader settings ken so ill change it when i =get=20>time :)Two points: 1. You apparently use Outlook Express, and what you were told is wrong. There's no way to change where Outlook Express puts the cursor in a reply. 2. This is a slightly expanded repeat of what I said earlier: regardless of where Outlook Express, or any other newsreader, puts the cursor, it's very easy to move it wherever you want it. To bottom post, simply click at the bottom of the message and the reply cursor will move there.
Reply by ●October 10, 20162016-10-10
On 10/10/2016 01:33 AM, Andy wrote:> I was told it's in my news reader settings ken so ill change it when i get > time :) > >One thing I learned quickly the first time I used a a GUI was to select where typed text would go (click or use the tab key, etc). I didn't notice the problem with OE (over a decade ago, when I used OE). -- 76 days until the winter celebration (Sunday December 25, 2016 12:00:00 AM for 1 day). Mark Lloyd http://notstupid.us/ "Have you noticed there are no interesting people in heaven? --Just a hint to the girls as to where they can find their salvation." [Nietzche, "The Will to Power"]
Reply by ●October 27, 20162016-10-27
rickman wrote:> > I have tried to ask about the fees and "taxes" and been told they don't > know, seems the billing computer is the only entity that actually knows > the amount of taxes. Once when I called to ask about the quarterly > billed "franchise fee" and who it was going to, I was told they didn't > know and I would have to ask my franchise contact.The 'franchise fee' goes to the local government, for their use of the right ow way. -- Never piss off an Engineer! They don't get mad. They don't get even. They go for over unity! ;-)