
AD834 Spice Model Updated

Started by Jim Thompson January 25, 2015
The Spice Model for the ADI 500MHz Four-Quadrant Multiplier has been
updated (AD834_SPICE_Model.zip) on the Device Models & Subcircuits
Page of my Website, adding in the Spice model for RNOISELESS, and also
an LTspice schematic symbol.

Performance has been verified by Helmut Sennewald.
                                        ...Jim Thompson
| James E.Thompson                                 |    mens     |
| Analog Innovations                               |     et      |
| Analog/Mixed-Signal ASIC's and Discrete Systems  |    manus    |
| San Tan Valley, AZ 85142     Skype: skypeanalog  |             |
| Voice:(480)460-2350  Fax: Available upon request |  Brass Rat  |
| E-mail Icon at http://www.analog-innovations.com |    1962     |
I love to cook with wine.     Sometimes I even put it in the food.
On Monday, 26 January 2015 03:12:31 UTC+11, Jim Thompson  wrote:
> The Spice Model for the ADI 500MHz Four-Quadrant Multiplier has been > updated (AD834_SPICE_Model.zip) on the Device Models & Subcircuits > Page of my Website, adding in the Spice model for RNOISELESS, and also > an LTspice schematic symbol. > > Performance has been verified by Helmut Sennewald.
Not a name I'd have expected to have seen in a Jim Thompson post, but very welcome none-the-less. -- Bill Sloman, Sydney