
Jack Crenshaw (@JackCrens)

Author, ESD column "Programmer's Toolbox" Book "Math Toolkit for Real-Time Programming" Tutorial series "Let's Build a Compiler" Manager, Comp-Sultants, Inc. Company developed embedded systems based on 4040 and 8080, ca. 1975. Designed & developed embedded systems based on discrete chips, 1972-76. Chief Software Engineer, Heathkit, 1978. President, Crenshaw Associates, developing embedded systems 1994. Staff Scientist, Invivo Inc., developing systems and software for patient monitors; specifically blood O2, CO2, and anesthetic gas subsystems, 1995-9 Languages included Fortran, Pascal, C, C++, Python, 10 assembly languages. Very active in early days of hobby/personal computers. Electronics hobbyist since 1956, digital hobbyist since 1965.

Re: DIY hi-fi

Reply posted 5 years ago (03/26/2019)
Ok, Tom, the tube type is extremely important. See the tube info here:http://www.r-type.org/addtext/add070.htmThe three tubes are all dual triodes, and have the...

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