On my multimeter, the voltage readings get inaccurate over time due to battery discharge. My meters all use 9 volt batteries. How can I tell when to change out the batteries? Thanks.
How to know when to change battery in multimeter
Started by ●December 9, 2022
Reply by ●December 9, 20222022-12-09
AK wrote:> On my multimeter, the voltage readings get inaccurate over time due to battery discharge. My meters all use 9 volt batteries. > > How can I tell when to change out the batteries? > > Thanks. >Sounds like time to change the multimeter instead! Cheers Phil Hobbs (A fan of Tektronix DMM916s from eBay) -- Dr Philip C D Hobbs Principal Consultant ElectroOptical Innovations LLC / Hobbs ElectroOptics Optics, Electro-optics, Photonics, Analog Electronics Briarcliff Manor NY 10510 http://electrooptical.net http://hobbs-eo.com
Reply by ●December 10, 20222022-12-10
On Fri, 9 Dec 2022 13:30:07 -0800 (PST), AK <scientist77017@gmail.com> wrote as underneath :>On my multimeter, the voltage readings get inaccurate over time due to battery discharge. My meters all use 9 volt batteries. > >How can I tell when to change out the batteries? > >Thanks.Have you tried one of the lithium rechageable PP3 / 6F22 , they have inbuilt BMS which switches out the battery for protection when it gets to about 6V. The EBL ones do this. C+
Reply by ●July 9, 20232023-07-09