
Currently at Embedded World

Started by stephaneb 7 years ago5 replieslatest reply 7 years ago398 views
I am currently at Embedded World in Germany (tomorrow is the last day) and with more than 1000 vendors, most relevant players in the industry are here this week.I...

Greatest Conferences?

Started by stephaneb 7 years ago5 replieslatest reply 7 years ago521 views
I have been juggling with the idea to organize a DSP+Embedded+FPGA conference for a while now.  But I won't do it until I feel I can organize an event where everyone...

Help with reverse polarity(strange) SMA connector

Started by cogwsn 7 years ago7 replieslatest reply 7 years ago330 views
Hi, I purchased a Digikey ZigBee module and it has a very strange SMA connector(pic-a). Although they have provided an antenna with the module, which is designed...

USB connect to MSP430 Launchpad influence input voltage

Started by vivitern 7 years ago2 replieslatest reply 7 years ago590 views
I'm trying to read an audio signal from an Android phone as a serial input to an MSP430G2553 (datasheet: http://www.kynix.com/uploadfiles/pdf65976/MSP430G2553IN20.pdf),...

Problem of Input voltage for LM4862 audio amplifier

Started by vivitern 7 years ago7 replieslatest reply 7 years ago637 views
I just started working on an embedded side project that requires me to pump .wav files through headphones.My main microcontroller is a PIC32, and my audio amplifier...

Estimate battery run-time in real-time

Started by dudelsound 7 years ago3 replieslatest reply 7 years ago282 views
Hi everybodyI have an interesting problem to solve. I am working on a product that runs on two AA-batteries - could be alkaline or NiMH (or Lithium or NiCd, but...

Behringer BXL1800A Ultrabass Amplifier

Started by Rayonthetrack 7 years ago6 replieslatest reply 7 years ago813 views
Hey Guys,I am an amateur electronics hobbyist working on a repair to this bass amp. The problem when I initially received the amp was the output sounding from the...

Power supply for router.

Started by casperPro 7 years ago6 replieslatest reply 7 years ago261 views
Hi,        I am trying to power an AR9331 router using a power supply I have made. The AR9331 requires a 3.3V supply. My power supply takes 12V as input,...

Ultrasonic 2/5 KW Power Amplifiers

Started by naumankalia 7 years ago57 views
Hi allI am searching some commercially available industrial grade power amplifiers:1.In the frequency range of 80 KHz to 140 KHz with output power of 2 KW to 50...

ZigBee Preamble

Started by cogwsn 8 years ago5 replieslatest reply 8 years ago1298 views
Hello, In ZigBee (802.15.4), is there a preamble like WiFi (STS, LTS). I have not studied much details, but from first view it looks like there are sequence of...

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